​​​What's Happening on Facebook

​​The fall of 2025 will see the Noblesville Cultural Arts Commission's 33nd annual production of Shakespeare in the Park – the longest running production in central Indiana!  The performances will be in the amphitheater at the Federal Hill Commons.  The show, performed in the evening, is free and family-friendly. 

Come see Shakespeare under the stars!

For more information, please contact us one of these three ways:
Facebook at Noblesville Cultural Arts Commission
email:  noblesvilleculturalarts@gmail.com

 NCAC is a not for profit 501(c)(3) 

2025 Dates - Free to the public

September 17-20

Directed by Jen Otterman

Performance at 7:30 PM

 Federal Hill Commons 

175 Logan Street, Noblesville, IN 46060
Admission is free 
Donations are always welcome
Bring your picnic and lawn chairs or blankets


Shakespeare in the Park

Celebrating 28 years!